Monday, March 23, 2009

An Open Letter

Dear Car Full of Dudes who yell out "Faggot" while driving by on Riverside,
I'm not sure what compels you to yell at a complete stranger. As I innocently walk back from the library I simply let my mind wander. I harbor no feelings of hostility towards anyone. In fact, I consider myself a peaceful person. When you drive by and yell at me, I am not personally offended, but I am troubled for the rest of the walk home. It bothers me that there are people like you, Car Full of Dudes, in the world. It bothers me that you get some kind of entertainment from shouting insults at random strangers on the sidewalks. My friends, there is a time and place for that: sporting events.
I don't have much else to say, Car Full of Dudes, but I would like to you think about this: While you yell out "Faggot", consider which activity is more latently homosexual, a lonely man walking down the sidewalk reflecting on his past decisions, or a compact car full of dudes piercingly shouting out cat calls to a moderately attractive male passerby?

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